Administrative Coordinator Position Summary: The Administrative Coordinator will provide critical support for an organization positioning itself for growth. This is a part-time position that reports to the Executive Director. The Administrative Coordinator plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth operation of our nonprofit organization. The ideal candidate will have outstanding organizational, administrative, and communications […]
September Prayer Calendar
Transforming Guns into Plowshares
Transforming Guns into Plowshares
Heritier knows a UCBC education has the power to transform lives. As a 2020 theology graduate, he was impacted by a World View class that expanded his understanding of people’s experiences and perspectives. He began to understand that we each come with a set of lenses shaped by our experiences, upbringing, cultural background, values, etc. […]
NYOTA Women’s Leadership Program
NYOTA Women’s Leadership Program
In collaboration with Impact Now: When Women Lead, an organization supporting women leaders in small and mid-sized organizations, UCBC launched the NYOTA Leadership Program, specifically designed to empower women in leadership positions in the Beni area. The NYOTA Leadership Program sprung from the belief that when women flourish, their families, communities, places of work, and […]
Unity in Diversity
Unity in Diversity
“Unity in diversity” was the theme of the recent UCBC cultural exhibition hosted by communications students. During the exhibition, students wore traditional attire and demonstrated dances from their respective tribes, a powerful tool used to express values and customs. Students also showed how their tribes communicate and mark milestones, including greetings, marriage ceremonies, and celebratory […]
Women’s Voices Kicks Off New Year
Women’s Voices Kicks Off New Year
The student-led group, Women’s Voices, has been a staple at UCBC for the past nine years. The group was created to champion women in leadership, promote gender equality, and celebrate personal achievements both on and off campus. Women’s Voices also collaborates with Bethesda Counseling Center to host positive masculinity workshops, encouraging dialogue with men to […]
2023 Year in Review
2023 Advent Reflections
Alumni Spotlight: Archip Lobo
Alumni Spotlight: Archip Lobo
Archip faced immeasurable trauma as a young man, witnessing atrocities committed by an armed group against his family members. Archip was greatly affected by these tragedies and they catalyzed his passion to seek the healing and renewal of his country. He pressed on with resilience and found hope by being equipped to “be the change” […]
Alumni Spotlight: Laetitia Ntumba
Alumni Spotlight: Laetitia Ntumba
After graduating from secondary school and succeeding in the state exams, Anuarite Mathe Kahambu, set her sights on the next…… Read More →
Emma Smith Cain first heard about Congo Initiative when she lived in Eastern Congo and worked for an NGO distributing food and household goods to internally displaced people. She was drawn to UCBC because, even with the unrest in the region, the staff and students were committed to staying. “I was impacted by how the staff […]
Celebration – The New Holistic Family Development Building
Celebration – The New Holistic Family Development Building
The construction on the new Holistic Family Development Center building was completed this month. A joyful dedication ceremony was held on the campus to commemorate the occasion. UCBC Rector, Honoré Bunduki, was at the celebration and took part in the tree planting – a UCBC tradition to mark something new.
August Partner Spotlight
August Partner Spotlight
Our August Partner Spotlight is Caroline Kolins. Caroline has served as a CI-USA board member since 2020. She works in higher education in the United States and feels a particular affinity for UCBC as she strongly believes in the transformative power of education. “[It is] my belief that education is the most reliable way out […]
CI-UCBC and Tearfund team up for peaceful land governance
CI-UCBC and Tearfund team up for peaceful land governance
Since 2014, UCBC’s Natural Resource Governance (NRG, previously Sharing the Land) has been instrumental in reshaping the conversation around land reform and creating a more peaceful Congo. What began as a small project of the Integrated Research Institute, has grown to significantly influence the National Land Policy of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This policy […]
UCBC receives grant for technology upgrade
UCBC receives grant for technology upgrade
Earlier this month, UCBC unveiled two updated computer labs on campus which house 55 new computers and provide faster, more reliable internet. Access to consistent and quality technology has remained difficult in Congo and these computer labs are a huge gain for the students, faculty, and staff. The computers are part of a major technology […]
Central to our mission and organizational culture is the importance of partnership. The significance of partners who support us through prayer, resources, and presence cannot be overstated. For many of our friends and partners, it has been understandably difficult to practice presence over the past five years. The Ebola outbreak, COVID pandemic, and periods of […]
Student Spotlight: Abigael Masika Muhongya
Student Spotlight: Abigael Masika Muhongya
In my courses, I don’t pull any punches, and I have extremely high expectations of my students. I believe that, despite the challenges they face, the students here should be given every opportunity possible to learn. The challenges they must overcome are not small. When in college, I had 24/7 electricity and internet, a machine […]