In the midst of a challenging context, and out of an already resilient society, a new liberating and transformative narrative is being written and lived. It begins at the Université Chrétienne Bilingue du Congo (UCBC), where committed Congolese visionaries are developing and nurturing a redemptive community of passionate young men and women. It continues in shaping these women and men as students equipped through professional and formative education at the highest level. And it is witnessed in the UCBC alumni who identify, own, and respond to Congo’s challenges with skill, dedication, excellence, creativity, and Christian hope. In short, through UCBC, the future leaders of Congo are being transformed to transform.
Launched in 2007, UCBC is leading Congo by modeling a type of education that is integrated and relevant for Congo’s challenges in the 21st century. The four-year liberal arts institution not only offers undergraduate degrees and concentrations in five academic departments, but provides a distinct formation and programs that equip the next generation of leaders to create change in their communities.
Within 5 years of its founding, UCBC was asked by DRC’s Ministry of Education to create and implement a curriculum based on that pedagogy and integrated with the international License-Masters-Doctorate (LMD) model for the country to implement in all its higher education institutions. With national adoption of this model in 2022, UCBC was the first Congolese university to receive full accreditation and confirmed diplomas.
- Applied Sciences
- Communications
- Economics & Business Management
- Theology
- Law
- Education & Philosophy
- Leadership & ethics
- Values-based & Faith Inspired
- Student-centered
- Service-minded
- Integrated Research
- Community Engagement
- Environmental Sustainability
- Gender Equality
- Bilingualism
- Peace & Justice Advocacy
- Technology & Innovation
Like many universities, UCBC relies on generous, external support to deliver high-quality education that will shape a generation of transformational leaders. The full cost of a UCBC education is just $2,900 per year. Students and their families make extraordinary sacrifices to pay $400 – $500 per year. This leaves a balance of $2,400 required to fully fund each student.